Theo Arraj, Artist from Aotearoa New Zealand.
Influenced and inspired by ancient cultures, mythology, legend, sci-fi, spirituality, and the natural world, to create dynamic works on canvas to large scale meaningful murals that bring whole walls to life.
With Phoenician, Māori, Celtic, and Scandinavian roots Theo draws from a diverse ancestry and unique background.
Practising his craft for 20 years and working as a full time artist since 2017.
As well as painting over 60+ murals in Aotearoa NZ, Theo has also created murals in Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia, with many more countries to come.
Always ready to add more experiences, knowledge and adventures to draw inspiration from.
"I aim to inspire others as I have been inspired by those before me, to create works that empower and speak to the soul. The Art Saves."
@ T H E O A R R A J
T H E . A R T . S A V E S